Our Process

At Splitways it is important to us that anything being sold by our brand is designed and created to the highest possible standards. This all starts with designing our clothing, every item of clothing we sell has been designed by at least one of the four founding members and approved by all of us. Once we have designed an item of clothing we then send it off to a professional designer to create high resolution digital images of the item. This item will then be reviewed again by all four members to ensure it is of the highest quality and good enough to be created. After this we will go back to our professional designers to add all the specific measurements, materials and specifications so it is manufacture ready. Now we have all the designs manufacture ready we then go to a UK manufacturer to have these designs brought to life. Before any product reaches the website it will be tried and tested by at least one of the founding members to ensure we are happy with the materials and durability ensuring you as the customer receive the best possible quality item.


Every step of the process at Splitways from advertisement to creation is overseen by one of the four founding members to ensure the best possible quality for customers.